Everyone is invited to join us in reading In Search of Mycotopia: Citizen Science, Fungi Fanatics, and the Untapped Potential of Mushrooms by Doug Bierend (ISBN: 9781603589796). https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/in-search-of-mycotopia/

Just purchase your copy and read it before July 31st. We will have a zoom discussion of the book on July 31st at 6pm on Zoom. The general public is welcome to attend as well.
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If you want a preview of what the book is about please listen to The Mushroom Hour Podcast interview with Doug Bierend. https://www.welcometomushroomhour.com/blogs/podcasts/ep-73-in-search-of-mycotopia-citizen-science-fungi-fanatics-the-untapped-potential-of-mushrooms-feat-doug-bierend